Frogmore-Meadows Photographed by Josh-Kubale
Home 5 By Sector 5 Charities & Fundraising 5 HMWT: Wildlife Matters Magazine

Wildlife Matters Magazine

Client Overview

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust is a dedicated conservation charity that works tirelessly to protect wildlife and help people connect with nature. With a network of over 40 nature reserves covering more than 1,900 acres, the Trust, supported by its 22,000 members and a team of passionate volunteers, plays a vital role in preserving the natural beauty of Hertfordshire and Middlesex. For over a decade, The Graphic Design House (TGDH) has had the privilege of designing, printing, and mailing their bi-annual magazine, Wildlife Matters.

The Opportunity

For the Summer 2024 edition of Wildlife Matters, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust tasked us with continuing the legacy of engaging design that we’ve established over the years. The brief required us to follow the established brand guidelines while creatively using strong imagery and a vibrant colour palette to create a visually appealing magazine. Our goal was to design a publication that would captivate a diverse readership, ranging from casual nature enthusiasts to dedicated conservationists.

Covers and back covers for Wildlife Matters

Our Approach

Designing the Wildlife Matters magazine involves more than just layout; it’s about capturing the essence of nature in Hertfordshire and Middlesex and making it resonate with readers. We aimed to create a seamless visual and thematic experience that would draw readers into the natural world and keep them engaged throughout the magazine.

  • Cohesive Theme Development: Over the years, we’ve established a cohesive theme for Wildlife Matters that resonates with its readership. For the Summer 2024 edition, we maintained this theme while introducing fresh elements that reflected the seasonal focus. The magazine’s design needed to be both familiar and exciting, ensuring continuity while keeping the content visually engaging.
  • Captivating Cover Design: The cover is the first touchpoint for readers, so it needed to be powerful and emotive. We selected a large full-bleed image that instantly captivates and invites readers into the pages. This visual impact was crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the magazine.
  • Grid System and Layout: A consistent grid system was employed to maintain balance and organisation across the magazine’s 28 pages. This structure allowed us to efficiently arrange text, images, and graphical elements, ensuring that each page was visually coherent and easy to navigate.
  • Use of Brand Colours: We utilised the brand’s colour palette—greens, blues, and yellows—throughout the magazine to create a warm, inviting, and natural aesthetic. These colours were used consistently across different sections, tying the content together and enhancing the overall visual appeal.
  • Full-Page Spreads: We incorporated full-page spreads of breathtaking landscapes and striking animal portraits to immerse readers in the beauty of the natural world. These spreads were designed to be both educational and visually stunning, providing a moment of pause for readers to appreciate the subject matter.

The Results

In the realm of conservation, effective communication is key to driving awareness and action. The Wildlife Matters magazine is not just a publication; it’s a vehicle for advocacy and education. The visually compelling and well-organised design ensured that readers were not only informed but also motivated to engage with the Trust’s conservation efforts. By creating a publication that was both beautiful and educational, we helped Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust strengthen its community and further its mission to protect wildlife.

The Summer 2024 edition of Wildlife Matters was more than just a seasonal publication; it served as a crucial tool in the Trust’s mission to engage, educate, and inspire its community. By maintaining a consistent yet refreshed design, we ensured that the magazine continued to be a valued resource for members, reinforcing their connection to local wildlife and the importance of conservation. The design was instrumental in helping the Trust communicate complex conservation topics in a way that was accessible and compelling.

The final product was a 28-page summer magazine printed on Offset 90gsm paper, designed to both inform and inspire. The magazine was distributed to over 13,000 members of the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, showcasing the latest in wildlife news and conservation efforts not only from Hertfordshire and Middlesex but also from across the United Kingdom.

Stats page design for Wildlife Matters
Water-Vole Photo credit to Terry-Whittaker-2020VISION

Next Steps

Looking ahead, TGDH is excited to continue our longstanding partnership with Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Our ongoing collaboration will focus on future editions of Wildlife Matters as well as other design projects that support the Trust’s vital conservation work. We are committed to continuing our support of the Trust’s mission through innovative design that resonates with their community and drives real-world impact.
Water-Vole Photo credit to Terry-Whittaker-2020VISION

Our Work in Action

Galapagos Matters

Galapagos Matters

Galapagos Matters’ redesign revitalizes engagement, enhances readability, and strengthens GCT’s conservation mission.

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